Selected Academic Achievements and Awards
- National Research Council (NRC) Grant 2020. Ranked first among all nominees applied to NIST-Engineering lab (Graded as A by all reviewers and selection committee).
- Outstanding Research Assistant Award for AY 2020-21.
CEE Rising stars 2020, (Workshop and presentations are being held in Carnegie Mellon University)
- Stanly R. Zupnik fellowship, University of Maryland College Park, Fall 2019
- NSF Travel Grant to attend Great Minds in STEM, Fall 2019.
- Department’s nominee for the All-S.T.A.R. competition, Fall 2018.
- Future Faculty Program admission, University of Maryland, College Park, Fall 2017.
- Jacob. K Goldhaber Travel Grant, University of Maryland, College Park, Fall 2017.
- Department of Mechanical Engineering Award, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Mechanical Engineering Scholarship Award, May 2014.
- Conference Presentation Travel Grant, 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2013) Nantes, France; June 9-14, 2013.
- Poster Award: Saadat, Y., Samimi, A., and Ghorbani, R., “Harnessing tidal currents with subsea turbine generators, Poster Presentation at the University of Hawaii at Manoa CTAHR-COE Symposium, April 2012.
- Best Student Award, Razi University, Iran, 2003.
- Independent Research and Mentoring Award, NODET (National organization for the development of exceptional talent) organization, SAMPAD high school., 1999.