The League Dating App asks Facebook permissions to access your photos to create your profile

The League requires users to sync their profile to their LinkedIn and Facebook. When you authenticate your profile with LinkedIn, the site will protect your privacy by blocking your business connections and colleagues who are also authenticated. The app also only stores your contacts’ names and unique IDs to know who to block in your matching algorithm.

If you’re worried about your LinkedIn username and password, LinkedIn doesn’t give the app access to them. The League integrates a portal from LinkedIn to allow you to link your profile without exposing your credentials.

Authenticating with Facebook, meanwhile, will block you from friends and family. The app also won’t notify your friends or post on your timeline to respect your privacy. It also gathers other essential information, such as your current city, likes, and education, to match you more effectively.

Getting Profile Endorsement

The League members can endorse people they know are League worthy. They can do it by sending an Endorsement link through the app’s Settings. Receiving an Endorsement from an existing member can shorten your time on the waitlist.

If you send an Endorsement link to your friends and they use it to sign-up and create their profiles, you’ll receive one complimentary League Ticket per friend. You can use these tickets to get premium app features.

Matching and Talking to Other Users

The point of using a dating app is to find and chat with potential partners. Matching with other users on The League is similar to other dating apps. You tap the “heart” if you’re interested in that person.

The League has a thing called “Happy Hour,” which happens at five in the evening. This is the time where you will receive your “Batch” with one to nine Prospects, depending on your membership level and the people who meet your preferences in your area and vice versa. A standard profile is visible to three to five users every day.

You can set your preferences to filter your potential matches. The League allows you to choose your preferred age, location, gender, race, religion, and education. These options sparked controversies because they seem elitist. The founder, however, argues that they don’t want users to spend more time searching through people that don’t match their preferences.

You can boost your profile to reach more users by using the app’s “Profile Boost,” which costs five League Tickets. You can also get it for $ through an in-app purchase. Profile Boost will make your profile visible to an additional 50 users.

If you’re matched with someone, make sure to initiate conversations. Inactive matches will expire after 14 days. The messaging platform is also available for only 21 days. In case your match disappears, it could mean that person decided to expire it (you’ve been unmatched.)

Sometimes you would accidentally pass on a user you like. If it happens, tap the undo button. Remember that you can only do this on that evening’s Batch and it costs one Ticket.

The League Dating App Features

One thing that makes The League an interesting and intriguing dating app is its features. The app’s goal is to cater to intelligent and career-driven individuals who are looking for partners with the same characteristics who are hard to find in other dating apps. The League contains mennation features you wouldn’t normally find in dating apps, like Tinder or Bumble.

Verification Process

This feature ensures that all members of the community are qualified. It uses the details on your LinkedIn and Facebook accounts to complete your League profile. The app has servers hosted by a top database provider trusted by Fortune-100 companies to make sure users’ data is safe.